All the therapists at the Kinesis Center share the same goal: to help you find your full potential in order to give you a better quality of life. We are a multidisciplinary clinic where several health professionals work as a team to quickly relieve your pain and contribute to your well-being.

You will find several complementary therapeutic approaches under one roof to meet your physical and/or emotional needs.

Our philosophy is simple: determine your needs and direct you to the resource person(s) who can help you progress quickly.

Regardless of the problem or type of pain, you will need three to five meetings with a therapist to assess and deprogram the causes of pain / tension.

What sets us apart from other clinics is that we do not believe that a client belongs to just one therapist. The therapist is there as a resource to help you, guide you. This way, you can easily consult more than one therapist at a time. For example, if your usual therapist does not have availability that suits you, you are free to go see another therapist. The idea is to allow you to receive quality treatment as quickly as possible.

Some of our clients alternate between different therapists or types of therapies to emerge with the best of each.

Combining different approaches can also greatly speed up the process. For example, massage therapy combined with acupuncture. Acupuncture improves circulation (body is better nourished and cleansed), increases energy and releases spasms and deep tensions. For its part, massage therapy restores mobility to the joints and flexibility to the muscles.


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