The FST is a painless manual technique that improves mobility and flexibility for a long time. It reduces chronic pain and promotes overall health and well-being.
We can visualize fascia as a spider's web of connective tissue that stretches all over the body. The fascia therefore gives structure and support to the human body.
Stress, lack of hydration, physical and emotional trauma, poor posture or prolonged sitting, and repetitive movements are many ways the fascia can be negatively affected. Fascial tissue that has lost elasticity will cause remote repercussions throughout the body. I. e: Knee pain that would cause a blockage in the lower back.
FST is a so-called SYNERGISTIC approach, meaning it is complementary and promotes the effectiveness of other techniques such as sports massage, physiotherapy, chiropractic, osteopathy, etc.
By combining FST into your treatment routine, your regular therapist will notice that it is easier to perform their techniques and the results will be longer lasting.
The FST is a technique in itself which lasts 60 to 90 minutes to treat the whole body OR which can be integrated in part into your usual treatment. We recommend wearing shorts / tank tops to facilitate tensioning and changing positions. Active participation from the patient (inhalation/exhalation and some muscle contractions) is necessary but still allows for great relaxation.
The benefits of FST are numerous. We note an improvement in:
speed, strength, vertical jump, balance, proprioception, agility, coordination, flexibility, range of motion and mobility, posture, circulation, warm-up effectiveness and recovery in athletes, physical and mental relaxation, a reduction in pain and muscle tension, etc.