7 stadiums. Aching. Cramps. Contraction. Contusion. Elongation. Breakdown. Tear.


Muscle contracture is often a defense mechanism of the body following an injury or too intense sports activity. The injured muscle (and often its agonist and antagonist) contracts to protect the site of injury. Contracture often occurs following activity or exertion and can last for several days. Sometimes it can be permanent in a case where an injury has not been managed properly.


A cramp is an involuntary muscle contraction that often occurs during physical activity. The causes of a cramp are numerous, namely; inadequate warm-up, too intense activity, dehydration, lack of certain mineral salts and hypoextensibility (a person who is “stiff” by nature).


Pulling often occurs from overstretching during intense, sustained exertion. This creates micro tears in the muscle fiber. It is often intense pain that tends to go away by the time the activity



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