Harmonizing with winter
In winter, observe nature: flora and fauna fall dormant, in energy-saving mode... Here are some tips for staying in shape during this cold season:
1- SLOW DOWN a little, to recharge your batteries. Get more sleep.
2- Keep some time for more moderate activities such as READING, YOGA, MEDITATION or outdoor WALKS.
3- Make room for HOT MEALS with soups and stews, especially if you are the chilly type. Also prefer HOT DRINKS to which you will add a little ginger if you feel that you have caught a cold.
4- STAY WARM, OUTSIDE, by covering yourself sufficiently. Pay particular attention to your feet and lower back.
Some Notions
Taoism is one of the important religious and philosophical traditions of China, What is Tao? It is the wisdom within us, our path to follow, to fulfill our destiny, all in harmony with nature, .. just like the river that, despite obstacles, goes to the sea.
Taoist wisdom encourages the preservation of health by following the energetic movements of the world of which man is an integral part, for example, the passage from day to night or the changing of the seasons.
Electricity is essential today, but it helps us stay active for long hours after going to bed.
In winter, observe nature:
wildlife et flore fall en dormancy, en Fashion economy energy...
sun. It's worse in the winter, of course. We may be inclined to seek stimulants such as coffee, sugary treats, video games, etc. rather than letting ourselves be won over peacefully by sleep...
According to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), each season is linked to a particular energy. The winter season (Kidney energy) is, among other things, related to our fundamental energy, the one we inherit at birth and that we must "take care of" if we hope to live a long and healthy life. According to TCM, a few adjustments to our lifestyle can promote a better flow of energy during the cold season.
In winter…
We will think about going to bed a little earlier and resting more, of course, but also about carrying out a certain introspection in order, for example, to free ourselves from the fears that weigh us down or to review some of our objectives.
Also to limit energy expenditure, we will think about eating more warm or hot foods (in comparison to salads or smoothies more appropriate for the hot season) as well as wearing
suitable clothing. For example, goosebumps and chills are physiological defense efforts of our body to conserve heat; we must therefore limit them.
In conclusion, a better flow of energy will help, in winter, to avoid fatigue, both physical and psychological, as well as the "depression" or seasonal illnesses that can result from it.
Winter begins everything Fair et you you feeling flat?
Looking would like "booster" your système immune ?
Do not hesitate to come and meet me to establish your energy assessment and offer you an acupuncture treatment in order to counter your fatigue and prevent (or treat) winter discomforts.
Sophie Laverdiere, Ac.
To make an acupuncture appointment:
514-704-1730, for more information