'Tennis Elbow' and physiotherapy

Essentially, Tennis Elbow or Tennis Elbow is a repetitive motion pathology (wrist rotational movement, extension and rotation, etc.). Although his name is important to tennis, this assignment does not occur…

Running: Three reasons to consult in acupuncture

Whether you are an amateur runner, marathon runner or triathlete, acupuncture can help you recover from injuries and increase your performance. Nearly 80% of runners get injured every year and as a result,…

Hypnosis and childbirth preparation

What is hypnosis for childbirth? It's simply telling your body that "IT IS READY" for D-Day and that on all levels; both physically and mentally! This preparation is a program in…


Osteopathy is a Natural Complementary Medicine based on in-depth knowledge of the anatomy, biomechanics and physiology of the human body. The osteopath aims to treat the causes of pain and disorders…