Running in winter

Running is one of the few sports that can be practiced outdoors all year round. Even if the cold season slows down more than one, it is advantageous to continue running.



Good for spirit! …especially right now in the context of a pandemic.


Our cells need oxygen to function well, thus preventing depression, facilitating sleep and strengthening the immune system.


In the spring, you will save time!… you won't have to gradually resume by alternating running and walking. In fact, if you stop running in the winter, you will lose the adaptations to the mechanical stress caused by running. Some forget this important fact and return too quickly to their pace of the previous season, increasing their risk of injury.



In order to cope with the temperature and the wind, choose clothes that will keep you warm enough but not too much. A good tip: dress like you're going out with 10 degrees warmer, for example, if it's -10, dress like you're going out at 0 degrees. 

Equip yourself with accessories so you can be seen on public roads.

The road surface is slippery and less uniform; Plan to add crampons to your shoes as well as good waterproof and warm socks that let the foot breathe.

At the beginning and end of winter, the running surface changes. This causes modifications in the stride of the runners and possibly their types of shoes. It will therefore be necessary to provide for a transition period in order to accustom the lower limbs to the snow, then to the asphalt and to changing shoes. 

Otherwise, pain in the forelegs (postero-internal periostitis of the leg) or under the foot (plantar fasciitis) could appear and limit training, or even turn into injuries.


Do not forget 


Keep hydrated even if you don't feel thirsty in winter! Colder, drier air also contributes to dehydration.

Shorten the length of your stride and make contact flat on the ground and not far from your center of gravity, this will increase your stability. 

Your traction will be better by opting for cleated shoes; Thus your movements will be facilitated and you will slip less.

Don't forget to warm up before the race and stretch well afterwards to avoid injuries!

A runner should not hibernate in winter, but rather run through it!



Géraldine Gallard Masso-Physiotherapist

Kinesis Center


 Géraldine Gallard Registered massage therapist

 massokinegi Masso-kine Géraldine