Tips for moving without hurting yourself


Several reasons can lead to injuries: too heavy loads, use of poor techniques, inappropriate use of equipment. To avoid injury, here are some tips to put into practice during your move.


The preparation          


1: Fill your boxes intelligently 

First, choose boxes that are easy to handle and lift. Choose a box of size small or medium with handles if possible. When you fill your boxes, remember to evenly distribute the weight. Mix heavy and light items to avoid having boxes that are too heavy to carry.


2: Analyze the terrain                

To avoid unpleasant surprises and reduce unforeseen events, take the time toanalyze the location of the move. Find out about available parking, the location of the truck in relation to the building, the type of stairs, the weather, etc. In summary, try prevent risks.


3: Equip yourself with the right tools    

Rather than working only with your body, favor the use of equipment that meets your needs. Remember to equip yourself with harnesses, a hand truck or a trolley in order to lift heavier loads safely.

Your equipment should also matter a pair of gloves non-slip and breathable which will allow you to have good grip and avoid cutting yourself. Without forgetting closed shoes, to protect your feet, with a sole non-stick to avoid the risk of falling.



4: Prepare the body                 

Before you begin, do some stretches for the neck, shoulders, arms, legs and back to wake up your muscles. Also consider starting your day by lifting lighter loads. You will thus quietly activate your cardiovascular system and your muscles.


5: Take breaks                

Throughout the day, take time to take breaks. Take advantage of these few minutes to hydrate, nourish and rest. This will give your body some energy. Stopping to analyze a situation or readjusting can also allow you to to avoid injuries. Taking your time often pays off.


6: Opt for the right posture  

Maintain good posture throughout the move will reduce your risk of injury. 



7: Take a well-deserved rest   

Although the temptation is great to open its boxes and reassemble the furniture of the house, it's important to rest at the end of a moving day. Remember to rehydrate and stretch your body again : neck, shoulders, arms, legs and back. As you have spent the day on your feet, favor a posture of rest on your back, ideally with the legs elevated to promote blood circulation. Basically, take it easy and put off the other related tasks.


In case of injury

However, if you are injured, stop immediately and rest. Lie down and put some ice for 15-20 minutes every hour for 24-48 hours after injury. If the pain persists for more than 48 hours, consult your therapist or another healthcare professional.

Avoiding injury during a move is not too complicated. You just have to listen to your body, work well and take your time. Good move!






Géraldine Gallard Masso-kinesitherapist