Did you say SIT?

Do you spend too much time sitting? Office, computer, car…? If this is the case (or if someone close to you is affected), you have probably suffered from the associated symptoms at some point.
But why does sitting hurt your back? And on the neck? And in the pool? And on the shoulders? And, and, and… to understand, let's first look at how the back and spine are made.
As we can see in profile, our spine is naturally curved in a large S. The neck and the lower back (the lumbar spine) are concave behind: the Lordosis (Lordosis) while the thorax and convex behind: the Kyphosis (Kyphosis).



The proproblem starts when you sit down. Indeed, sitting down is much more restrictive for the human body than you might think. Regarding our topic, a quick look at fig.2 shows the mechanical changes of the spine while sitting, notably erasure Lordoses and accentuation of kyphosis. This results in musculoskeletal stiffness, joint pain and, in the long term, a permanent deformation of the posture, such as the appearance of a dorsal gibbosity (the famous hump of the back, or buffalo hump), a neck always thrown forward and a diminished ability to straighten up.



We may pay attention to our posture, constantly try to straighten up, buy the most expensive seat on the market. But the stiffness is still present. The problem is that the lower back, the base of the entire spine, is left without support. As long as one is careful, eventually the muscles will tire and again one finds oneself in bad shape.

The solution? Much simpler than you thought.



Lumbar support. But not just any. We can find in surfaces multitude of designs and gadgets, but the best support is much simpler still. What needs to be applied at the lumbar level is a support in the form of a cylinder .
Whether it's a ready-made cushion (about $60 for a good quality cushion) or a simple rolled towel (still in a cylinder), the benefit is the same! In general, whether cushion or towel, a diameter of 4 inches seems the most adequate, although some prefer 5 inches because it has a NATURALLY more pronounced lumbar curve. Be sure to always sit deep in the seat, apply the cushion behind your lower back, and experience how your posture is instantly straightened, with virtually zero effort to maintain a good upright posture! Remember to use it whenever you sit, in the car, in the office, at home and everywhere.



By Patrick Georgevitch – Masso-Physiotherapist; Fitness Coach and Physical Conditioning Specialist.