Stress and massage therapy!

Did you know that one in four Quebecers has already left their job due to stress? This state of permanent tension therefore has real consequences on the body and mind: muscle pain, sleep problems, anxiety, professional burnout, depression, etc. Since stress is the leading cause of illness, it becomes essential to counter and prevent it. Good news: massage is a scientifically recognized remedy to counter stress and its negative effects. When a professional massage is given, the brain releases well-being hormones, including serotonin and oxytocin, thereby reducing the secretion of cortisol, the stress hormone. The physical and mental well-being effects of relaxation massages are therefore not only contextual, they are physiological, real and concrete. In summary, relaxation massages are not a luxury product like a dinner in a great restaurant, they are much more than that! Take care of your body !


Marie-Helene Turgeon
