Your posture: synonymous with tension

The postural lines in men and women are guidelines for the location of the limbs of the body. These lines of gravity antero-posterior (from front to back), Cephalo-caudal (from top to bottom), etc. just to name a few are anatomical landmarks for the body. When you have pain in your back or in your hips, often if it is not a question of disease, it is because the members of your body are out of phase with these anatomical guidelines. Our posture fights relentlessly to counteract the consequences of atmospheric gravity which plunges from top to bottom on our head, spinal disc and which passes through the femur. Earth's attraction creates a force coming from the bottom upwards passing through the feet, femur and symphysis pubis. The meeting at the level of the pelvis of these two opposing forces will cause a distortion of the ilio-pubic branches and the Iliacs wings, the less strong muscles, whether in the lower or upper body, will not be able to keep the pelvis and the limbs of the body in their respective axes. The body feeling in danger will immediately spasm the weakest regions in order to change the lines of tension. When the region regains its musculature and the tension forces cancel each other out, the brain removes the spams in the regions and it is back to normal.

Come and meet me at the kinesis center, I would be happy to treat your unwanted tensions.


Vincent Beaugrand Champagne

Physiotherapist / Sports massage therapist

Kinesis Center, St. Lambert