Recharge our batteries for winter
Winter is a time of year that is not easy for many Quebecers. The tree sap is well down in the roots, several animals are hibernating and the cold is slowing everything down. It is important to understand that the seasons are not experienced only from the outside. It's a very important time of the year when we should rest more (without feeling guilty for doing so), be less active, daydream, take the time to contemplate, sip hot drinks, etc… in order to regain strength for spring and stay in harmony. Energy is not an inexhaustible source. Like our electronic devices, we need to recharge our batteries.
In traditional Chinese medicine, winter is the season related to the kidney organ, whose emotion is fear (when it is depleted of energy) and virtue is self-confidence.
I therefore suggest a meditation on blue to do you good and help you strengthen the energy of the privileged organ in this beautiful winter season:
First, make yourself comfortable, lying down, sitting or standing, it doesn't matter. Breathe calmly and deeply. Then, closing your eyes, find a picture of something that is a beautiful, brilliant blue that you love, that speaks to you. It could be a beautiful swimming pool, a lake, a river, the ocean, a blue flower, a blue crystal, a beautiful sky, etc. When you have found your image, smile, feel the calmness of this color, soak in of this blue gradually until you breathe it and feel it everywhere in you. Take the time to feel this happiness. This meditation particularly helps to prepare for sleep.
Pascale Alexandre, massage therapist and Taiji Qigong Shibashi teacher