Spring is reborn!

In traditional Chinese medicine, spring is the season linked to the liver organ, whose emotion is anger (when in fullness or rebellion of energy) and virtue is true love.

The snow (ice I should say) is starting to melt: Spring at last! Life resumes everywhere around and inside us too. The desire to move and take action gradually increases. This is truly a wonderful time, provided the liver energy is flowing harmoniously. Perhaps you have already noticed that there are more agitated and aggressive people, among others on the roads, at this time of year? 

I therefore suggest a meditation on green to do you good and help you harmonize the energy of the privileged organ in this beautiful spring season:

First, make yourself comfortable, lying down, sitting or standing, it doesn't matter. Breathe calmly and deeply. Then, closing your eyes, find an image of something that is a beautiful, bright green that you love, that speaks to you. This could be a beautiful forest or other green landscape, a green animal (like a parrot), a plant, a green crystal or stone, etc. When you have found your image, smile, feel the soft vitality in this color, soak up this green gradually until you breathe it and feel it everywhere within you.

If you feel the need to do a little interior spring cleaning, don't hesitate to make an appointment with me for a massage or acupuncture with one of our two specialists (450) 672-4114. 

Looking forward J

Pascale Alexandre, massage therapist and Taiji Qigong Shibashi teacher