Relief or relaxation?

How do you choose between all the therapies available to you? Which would relieve your ailments most effectively? Why not take advantage of the expertise of several experienced and recognized therapists, each with a different discipline, all under one roof!Continuation of the text

Acupuncture at the Kinesis Center


THEacupuncture is one of the 5 branches of Chinese medicine. It is the result of 2000 years of observation, experience and practice. It consists of finding the source, relieving, and preventing imbalances in the body causing tension, pain and injury on an emotional and physical level... Continuation of the text

Pregnant woman / Babies & children

Whether it is to promote conception, relieve pregnancy-related ailments, facilitate labor or better recover from childbirth, our perinality team will be happy to accompany you in this wonderful adventure that is motherhood. In addition, we offer preventive and therapeutic treatments for infants, children and adolescents. Continuation of the text