5 vitality tips for winter

According to traditional Chinese medicine, human beings should live in harmony with the natural cycles of the seasons. The cold and darkness of winter lead us to slow down the pace and favor internalization and tranquility. It's the time of year to focus on your health and take time for yourself to preserve your reserves and vitality. Here are 5 tips drawn from traditional Chinese medicine:

1.      To go to bed early.

Sleep helps the body to regenerate. It is advisable to sleep at least eight hours a night.

2.      Make a seasonal treatment in acupuncture.

This traditional Chinese technique helps to improve the ability to adapt to our physical environment such as changes in climate or season and to strengthen our immune defenses often undermined at the onset of winter.

By stimulating some body points, acupuncture facilitates the circulation of thevital energy (in Chinese, the qi) and allows to find a better functioning of the organism, of the spirit, but also of the emotions.

3.      Eat seasonally.

Avoid raw and cold foods such as salads and vegetables, as well as very cold beverages. Promote them hearty and hot dishes such as baked preparations, gratins, stews, soups. Choose vegetables that grow underground (potatoes, carrots, turnips) and legumes (lentils, chickpeas). Consume energetic materials rich in trace elements (walnuts and hazelnuts for zinc, pulses for selenium, whole grains, broccoli and spinach for iron).

 4.      Dress warmly.

Pay particular attention to the feet and abdomen. In Chinese medicine, the abdomen is considered the "storehouse" of energy.

5.      Save your energy

Although regular exercise is essential for good vitality, promote moderate activities, avoid overtraining and excessively intense activities. Take some time for you, promote naps and soothing activities.


Hoping that his advice will help you have a warm and mild winter!


By Suzanne Binette